Pinto Art Museum
"A visit to a museum is a search for beauty, truth, and meaning in our lives. Go to museums as often as you can" - Maira Kalman Are you the type of person who likes to take pictures? or artworks? and Nature? Come to Pinto Art Museum, an exhibition space where you can experience and witness the fresh air, nature, aesthetic artworks, and unique structure. Pinto Art Museum is one of the destinations that I've wanted to visit since 2018, On May 29,2022 finally, I had the chance to visit the museum with my cousin, I feel so happy and overwhelmed at the same time, especially since the place is very instagrammable and it showcases the different artworks like sculpture, paintings, mixed media and installation created by the different Filipino artists. While I strolling around the question that enters on my mind is, How can they create this beautiful and unique symbolization of this artwork? or Is this artwork been showcased internationally? Since it's very fascinating and t...